

The cultural heritage of the Masai Mara is in danger. Youngsters have fled to the larger cities and abroad. Because there is no education, poor housing. Therefor there is no future.

nes education society wants to end this and reserve this important cultural heritage. On this website you will learn how n.e.s. is helping and how you can become a part of it. In the Netherlands n.e.s. has the ANBI status. Your donation could be deducted from your income taxes (as long as you pay tax in the Netherlands). On this website we show you how. Do you want to help n.e.s. help in Kenya or do you want to start a fundraising? Please find on the bottom of this page our contactformulier and donation tab for a simple online donation.



The foundation nes education society has as mail goal:

  • offer better education opportunities in third world countries in the broadest sense of the word. Starting in Kenya.

Furthermore nes education society wants:

  • the realization of an craftmensschool and orphanage;
  • offer scholarships to motivatie students, appointed by the board (our n.e.s. pearls);
  • offer education for disadvantaged groups, such as orphans and girls by means of special projects (our intended orphanage and distributie of hygienic sanitary napkins);

interest Dutch industries to invest in start ups in Kenya.

Founders Sammy Lekumo en Pieter J. Nes

Donate help to our constructions

Organize a fundraising

Adopt a student



Project visit
at Engos

A party of n.e.s. founder Pieter's Rotary club Radboud Medemblik paid a visit to Ngos on their own expenses. They experienced the progress we make with building our craftmensschool and orphanage.

Our premiere: the opening of the clothing workshop

On Tuesday October 9 th 2018 founder Pieter J. Nes opened our first project: the clothing workshop. Pieter got assistance by child protection organization KINI and board members and chiefs of the Masai Mara.

Donations save lifes in Engos

We thank our contributors from varies enterprises. With their gifts we can help the people of Ngos with their medical supplies, office supplies, clothing, school supplies, etcetera. During his visits, founder Pieter takes as much with him as he can carry. We could use all the help we can get.

in a responsible way

We take pride in our responsible entrepreneurship. Why not help in a responsible way?

We offer you the latest figures, successes and results in our Annual Report. It is in Dutch. We can offer an English report upon request.


at your service

Chairman & Founder

drs. Pieter J.Nes

Vice Chairman

Sammy Lekumo

Board member Funding

Margaret Ranji

Board member Treasurer

Amanda Baaij

Board member Communications

Sjef Wolters


Justine Wildoër


Suus Wolters


Board members

These are the Board members of

nes education society

per 2019.



If you have any questions or requests, or if you want to share a story with us. Please fill in the form below and we'll get in contact with you a.s.a.p.

Help n.e.s.

Would you like to offer your help in helping nes education society? You can easily donate and secure online through iDeal payment. Just click the button below:

n.e.s. in your Mailbox

Contact n.e.s.

Zwaagdijk 272

1682 NS Zwaagdijk

tel. +31 (0)229 - 820 021

fax +31 (0)229 - 920 029

RSIN NL 8560.45.019

KvK 65269055

Bank: NL06ABNA.0478.320.553

Help n.e.s.

Help nes education society met het vergroten van de leefbaarheid voor alle bewoners van de Masai Mara streek in Kenia. Te beginnen met de jongeren. Help mee een toekomst voor hen op te bouwen en doneer eenvoudig en veilig met iDeal:

n.e.s. in de Mailbox

Contact n.e.s.

Zwaagdijk 272

1682 NS Zwaagdijk

tel. +31 (0)229 - 820 021

fax +31 (0)229 - 920 029

RSIN NL 8560.45.019

KvK 65269055

Bank: NL06ABNA.0478.320.353

Met liefde gemaakt voor nes education society • © 2016-2024 nes education society • website design & realisatie: De ReclameSjef